

I’m back!! Man it’s good to be back to blogging and pour my thoughts out to the wonderful world of the internet! Those who still follow me, thank you for still following me. I took the summer off to recoup, and to revitalize. I believe every man and woman of God needs to just stop and listen. This is what I have done all summer and into the fall, stop and listen. As you know I lost my job back in June, with the opportunity to draw unemployment for the first time in my life, I took it.

The summer was really awesome, though I didn’t go anywhere special by the world’s standards, I  took the time to gain strength and heal. I was hurting for a while after I lost my job because I really enjoyed it. When the day came when they took me to HR and told me I was being let go because of budget cuts, I was crushed. Basically for the fact that it was the second job in 8 years that I lost a job, and I started to get a little depressed. This, as I found out was normal, to hurt like this, so I started to heal. Healing ment drawing on the strength of the Lord and listening.

One thing that I realized and a lot of people are this way, we think the job title will make everything better. The title given to us in our careers has a tendency of giving us a “big head.” The world tells us that we have to be this and that to succeed, and we need the materials in our lives to feel good and to be popular.  I was getting caught in this trap as well, and God stopped me.  When He stopped me, I had realized that God has to be the center of my life at all time, if not, I get caught up in the worlds pathetic lies and glamour.

I am revitalized today with a fresh perspective of life and most importantly God. With a clean vision and fresh eyes, I believe great things are about to happen.  I plan on slowly working my way back into blogging, so I’ll have a new post, hopefully 3-4 times a week. I have been away for a while, and anyone who has followed me and reading my blogs knows that I speak my mind and don’t water anything down; well that hasn’t changed and I have a lot of fresh stuff in the upcoming days and weeks.

Again, thank you for still following me and as always Be Blessed!!!!