Running to Your Arms.

The Transfiguration Lodovico Carracci 1594

The Transfiguration Lodovico Carracci 1594 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Running to the arms of the King and not looking back. You are good, when there is nothing ever good in me, and I’m running to your arms holding nothing back, my heart will sing your name oh Jesus. This is my theme for the summer, running to the arms of the one who created it all, from the heavens to the earth and the stars in the sky, I will run to His arms.

My whole life consisted of meaningless chasing of the wind; Bottles and babes, booze and needles, pain and darkness all consumed me like a burning fire from the pits of hell. I lived and loved, died and came back again, and through it all I have never experienced a love like that of Christs. He breathed the breath of life into me and gave me a direction to go, and go I will in the direction He wants. This summer I am going back to the beginning when I started this journey to gain a new perspective of life and what God wants me to do next.

         Refine me Oh Lord, melt me, and mold me into the man you want me to be Oh Lord. Give me strength to proceed and to believe and to do your will–Amen.

If there’s one thing I have learned, is we have to run to His arms daily. This means when life is great, we run to His arms. When life is not so great, we run to His arms. His arms are the only safe place to be, so this summer I am running like a cheetah into the arms of Him who is greater than the world.

Thanks for reading!!! Be Blessed!!!!

Love Lavished.

Father of Mine

Father of Mine (Photo credit: Just Us 3)

       See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. 1 John 3:1

Lavished— Characterized buy or produced with extravagance and profusion, or Immoderate in giving or bestowing; unstinting, or in layman’s terms generous. We came across this scripture at our mens bible  study last night, and I have to tell you we were all a little overwhelmed with that one. Just think about it for a moment; God, in is infinite wisdom, sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, and to bring us into repentance and holiness with Him. Do you no anyone else that would sacrifice their child for you??

I struggled with this for a long time, trying to wrap my head around how much He loves me, the creator of all things, the TRUE master of the universe loves me that much He wants a relationship with me. When my father passed as a young man I blamed everyone for his death, including God. I felt abandoned, alone and confused and frankly it left me asking this question; Am I a man?  Just because we reach a certain age or do certain things does not make us a man until we have truly learned from the one man, Christ.

For years I endured strongholds in my mind-set by the devil telling me that I was nothing more than the garbage on the street, and the sad thing is I believed it. Many years wasted feeling sorry for myself and crying myself to sleep  because of the emptiness I felt. Even after I came to the Lord, I still had these feeling and thoughts, and I’m not saying life would have been different if dad would have been alive longer, but it could have. I think back though, and as it stands, I wouldn’t have changed it for the world, because the life I lived once makes a great testimony and it made me the man I am today.

I believe today that their was a reason God took my father at young age, and that’s to realize how much He loves me. Lavished is used in this scripture because it never ends, He pours out His love, non-stop, every day and to me that’s amazing! Through the years of chasing the platinum beauty’s of the night only to be left holding an empty pillow the next morning, through the bottles and blood, I never found a love that’s lavished on me like our heavenly fathers! Thats the one thing I was always searching for, striving for in everything I did, but never found it. Love lavished only comes from the father through His son Jesus Christ, and today I have finally found it.

Thanks for reading!!! Be Blessed!!!!!!!

The teacher is quiet during the test.

          My sister sent this to me on Facebook and it really hit me that God “IS” our teacher, and just because He doesn’t answer, doesn’t mean He’s not listening. We all go through times of difficulty and wonder where God is, at least I know I do, but when it’s all said and done, he was there the whole time. I know when I go through times or “seasons” however you want to call it, I feel very lonely and empty. Ya know, when those prayers seem like their bouncing off the wall and you try, and try to “BE” a Christian, but come up short. Ya, those times kinda sucks.

I must admit there are time’s were I forget I am a student. Not only am I a student in college, but I’m also a student of the Most High. He teaches me everyday, if I let Him. I know when I’m being stubborn and prideful, I don’t want to learn. It’s in these times that I need to learn, but my pride gets in the way, and I miss an opportunity to learn. Now this doesn’t mean it happens all the time, there has been many, many learning experiences in which Christ has taught me a great deal, but those times when I miss it, I look back and say “oh yea, that was a teaching moment.”

When were going through these quit times, when we don’t hear from God for what seems like days, were going through a test of some-sorts. What the test is I guess depends on us and our situation were in. Ya see, God tests us, to see were our heart really is. During the test, will we remain faithful and honest, or do we look for shortcuts, and, well, an easier way?

This is something I’m  meditating on this week as I prepare for this weekend. This weekend I have been called to give my testimony on an all youth Christian weekend called Deco-Tec. The talk I am giving is called the singles talk and its about being single in Christ. I also incorporate my testimony into the talk, and I’m a little nervous because this is the first time I have given my testimony in front of such a large crowd. So prayers are appreciated! I just hope and pray that the words I speak, breathed from God, will make an impact on  at least one teen on this weekend.

Thanks for reading!! Be blessed!!!!


Professionals built the Titanic, Amateurs built the Ark…

RMS Titanic departing Southampton on April 10,...

Image via Wikipedia

Can you guess which one sunk? Yup, you guessed right, the mighty unsinkable ship built by thousands of men and a lot of money, hit the ice burg and split in half like a walnut. The Arc, built by Noah, with blueprints from God, loaded with every animal and all of Noah’s family, sailed the flood and made it safe. Noah restarted civilization as we know it guided by God; The Titanic, well it still lays at rest at the bottom of the sea with movies and songs being made about it.

This world we live in today is as fake as a three dollar bill. Everyone rushes around for no clear reason  trying to be something there not. I once applied to be a Kitchen Manager of a restaurant a few years back and they told me because I don’t have a degree, they couldn’t hire me. Even though my credentials speak for themselves and I know the restaurant business like the back of my hand, I didn’t have a piece of paper to prove I was smart, so I was denied. I’m not worried though because the college I work for now is such a great place, they seen my credentials and hired me. Not because of anything I did, but by the grace of God.

I’m going to college now, but not for the reasons a lot of people do. I have a great job, and when I do graduate, it’s not saying that I’m getting another job, its been a personal goal of mine since I was a child to get my bachelors degree. Plus it does look good on a résumé if I ever decide to look elsewhere for a career. God uses everyday, broke down, self-destructive, and on occasion temperamental people like me, to carry out His plan. I don’t argue, I just do it because in the end, I no it will be a success because it was ordained by God.

To many people in this world, even Christians get big-headed about life in general and they sink like the Titanic. People try to push Christianity down people’s throat claiming one thing and doing another. This is the world today and sad to say that theirs more hypocrisy in the church, than any other place on the planet. If you’re not part of the “it crowd” even in church, you get overlooked. Sometimes its like an adult high school.

      I try to live the best way I know how for Christ, and quite frankly, it has worked, because I have to do the foot work. I sank like the Titanic before, and I don’t want to do it again. I have to stay humble about every situation that is put before me and realize its a gift from God. I don’t prance around waiving the Jesus card in people faces only to do the exact opposite that some people do. Christ called us to love one another as He loved us, and if He called us to do this, why are their Christians that are cold and   without love? Probably because they really don’t have a relationship with Jesus would be my first guess.

    You can know Jesus, but not have a relationship with Him and this is the first of the Commandments. I used to be the one that new Jesus, but didn’t have a relationship with Him. Today, I can honestly say I have a relationship with Christ. Its deep, true, and pure and I absolutely love it. It’s  better than any relationship I have ever had, and that’s why its important to me to write this blog. Jesus loves us right were we are. I’m not going to find Him in the “it crowd” at church or the rituals a lot of people believe in today. I find Him in my heart and in the very book that was wrote about Him, the Bible. I go to church to hear God and listen to Him  and the fellowship with other believers is a blessing.

Today, I don’t want to sink like the Titanic, I want to be strong like the Ark. How about you my friend? Has life and the people in life beat you down with all the hypocrisy? Cast your care on Jesus and let Him give you strength.

Thanks for reading!! Be Blessed!!!!!

“There is no fear of God before their eyes”– Romans 3:18


Though I have been living in Michigan my whole life, I hate the winter time. I’m glad January is over and that means one thing, only a month and a half till spring and warm weather. This picture was taken in late spring a couple years ago outside my balcony. This is why I love spring. Love, love, love it! Spring is a time when new plant life begins and the salt on the car is polished away. Spring means shorts and flip flops, windows down and cruising until late at night. Its love like crazy and steaks on the grill. Oh how I miss the spring.

These winter months drive me crazy, though, fortunately this year our winter has not been that bad, but none the less they drag on. If anyone lives in the Midwest will know what I am talking about. The winter sometimes drags on until April with snow the first week and rain and coldness to the bones until may. I don’t pretend to enjoy this time because I am a warm weather type of guy. The snow and cold I could live without. No walks in the park, no ducks playing, no green grass or the ice cream man. Please oh spring hurry up!

The spring really brings me to great and utter happiness for one, just watching the pure wonder of Gods artistic side really comes to life in the spring. Not saying that He’s not artistic in the winter, because He is, but I believe the spring is where we witness the full impact of Gods creative design. Look at the trees giving life to green leaves, and that blade of grass everyone gets excited about cutting, is truly the work of the Master craftsmen Himself. Look at the flowers as they start to bloom and the beautiful colors they provide and the night sky with all its stars and galaxies. Mornings with the dew on the grass and the birds arriving back for another season.

The river has a different spark about it in the early spring as fisherman begin to pursue the one that got away and spring training produces the next all-American. The earth worm as he comes out of hibernation just to be picked up by a hungry bird fresh in from a 1,000 mile trip and the still of the day when that peace that’s beyond all understanding leads you in the way. The farmers starting their crops and flannels give way to tank tops and bikinis. The joy of cool air brushing against you as you stroll in the park with your lover, never taking your eyes of off her. Skipping rocks in the mud puddles and back woods bonfires.

These are the joys of spring that I long for all year long. Especially the walks in the early morning to spend some time with the Creator of all this wonder. So, today, forget about winter, I have my sights set on spring and all the adventures that come along. This is the season that dreams are made of and my dream is to take a deep breath and take it all in, before once again, its spring no more.

Thanks for reading!! Be Blessed!!!!!!


1 Corinthians 10:13“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

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Isn’t this a wonderful way to start your day? Being tempted on every side and trying not to fall and pulling with all your might not to do the thing you don’t want to do. You try to concentrate on something else or get busy doing another meaningless project all the while your thoughts are consumed by a temptation of some sorts that you know isn’t right. You try and try, circling around the thing you know will bring immediate relief to your life. Circling like vultures on roadkill and breaking out into cold sweats, you swoop in and attack. Doing the one thing you don’t want to do, but it brings instant gratification, and a few minutes later your consumed with guilt and shame. Know the feeling?

I know I do. For year battling alcoholism and porn addiction I tried with everything I had, but always failed. Porn was an escape for me, a way out so I  thought. My whole life I wanted to be in a relationship, but soon found no one wanted to be in one with me because I wasn’t the “it” guy. So consumed by alcohol and loneliness, I turned to porn time and time again. Even when I was drinking I knew this disgusting act of human behavior was wrong to watch, but for me, it made me feel good. I turned to porn a lot when I got rejected or denied for the casual encounter. When I fell short in the relationship or just flat out had a bad day, porn and alcohol was my escape.

Im glad and grateful to say that I don’t do either today because Christ has done for me what no woman or movie could ever do, and thats a love like I never had before. His love goes beyond the heavens and thats what I had been looking for my whole life. Love. Temptation comes at us in many ways not just the lure of a beautiful woman or attractive man(for woman). Addiction is more than a disease, it’s the biggest temptation to hit mankind. More and more people are turning to addiction than ever before, why? Instant gratification, period. The more and more we try to escape the responsibilities of life for that second or minute of lust after something gets us every time.

The scripture at the top tells it straight. God will provide a way out when were tempted. He does and always will, but the catch is, we have to ask Him. So many people Christians fail because they fail to ask Him for a way out. When we do we have to pay close attention because the way out is never what we think. Many times I have given into temptation not because I didn’t ask, but because I failed to see the way out. I am a lot better at it today but I still fail, but thats why the blood was shed by Gods Son at Calvary, to cover or misdeeds and give us another chance to get it right.

Let me ask you my friend, are their things tempting you in your life? Alcohol, drugs, porn, greed, self-righteousness, lust, envy? Do these things give way to more destruction in your life and consume you to the bone? There is an answer, the healer for the broken, Christ. I wonder if you know Him?

Thanks for reading!! Be Blessed!!!!

The start of “Grown Up Life” at 35.

Galatians 5:16“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Last year was a trying time for me. Working two jobs, both of them were 30 minutes from home, and I absolutely hated it! But I had to, and I did for well over two years. One day last summer while everyone was enjoying the Night Skies that the summer had to offer, I was working. I was fed up and tired and felt drained. I didn’t want to be apart of the rat race anymore, I wanted out. Not sure what I was going to do, I finally quit one job and actually enjoyed the rest of the summer, only working one job.

Working only one job was fine for about a month or so. I got caught up on a lot of things I needed to and got back into my early morning devotions with God that I had missed oh so much. Even though I was working two jobs I still managed to go to church and some meetings, but quite time with the Lord was almost non-existent, which is required to walk the Christian Life in my opinion. So, I was down to one job, but something was still missing. I really didn’t care to much for the job I had and the Lord knew it.

One morning as I got back into my routine I asked the Lord what He wanted me to do. The answer floored me. “Its time to go to college Scott”. Now at this point I had all but written college off, for one I was to old and for two, I didn’t fair well in high school, basically graduating at the lowest possible spot in my class, but I did some how manage to graduate. When the Lord had spoken this to me I had started to wonder who was crazier, Him or me. College? Ok, so I went down and enrolled and did all the paper work and even got student loans. I did what the Lord wanted me to do and I started school.

To my surprise it was actually really awesome the first semester (G.P.A 3.33!) sorry had to brag. I wasn’t to old for their were other people in my classes older than I was, and come to find out, I am kind off smart!The cool thing is that the Lord blessed me with a better job at another college, so when I’m done this semester, I can go to school were I work at for free! All this because I was obedient to the Lord and did what He wanted me to do this time and not what Scott wanted to do.

God reminded me that it s never to late when He is in charge. When He is in charge, the most amazing things happen that you could never dream of. I put my Big Boy clothes on and went to college an now I’m doing things grown ups do. Something that would never have happened if I was still drinking and chasing woman. The moral of the story: WE SERVE A BIG GOD AND ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THROUGH HIM..

Well that’s all for now I have to get to class, just remember were you were at before you came to the Lord, and He will do incredible things when were obedient. Thanks for reading!! Be Blessed!!!!  

Me, an Inspiration?

Now one never really knows when that day will come when someone important in your life tells you you’re an inspiration. After the life that i had lived chasing woman, meandering around at the local taverns till early in the mornings and breaking out into handcuffs every other day, one could see why I wasn’t the greatest role model, needless to say an inspiration.

At this point in my life i was a little over 2 years sober and been on a couple of the Christian retreat weekends like I had mentioned in earlier posts. I was learning allot about myself and my walk with Christ had grown deeper. My mind was finally starting to clear and I was back working at a place that I worked at Pryor to my sobriety. So the life of this once drunk, beat down, broke, shell of a human was starting to show some life. In essence is because now I was living for Christ and not the world and I loved it.

I had tried to get my sister on one of the retreats  a couple of times but it just wasn’t time. I loved my sister and have a deep respect for my sister and I wanted her to experience what I did on that weekend. Because let me tell ya, after you have a Jesus experience like I had, everyone should go. Then the day came when she said it was time for her to go on a weekend and boy I was excited! I made the arrangements and when the next weekend came we packed her up and I drove her to the church.

We arrived at the church unaware of anything that was about to happen over the next 4 days, all she knew was she had to sleep on a cot. Which that in itself was enough to make me chuckle, but she outwitted the cot and brought an air mattress! I was sort of disappointed because I figured if I had to sleep on a cot then she should to. But we all know that woman are very much smarter than men in the area of being comfortable, so the air mattress stayed. We said our goodbyes and i could see she was a little hesitant but we both knew this was what she needed.

The next couple days went by really quick and I was getting excited to see how the Lord was working in my sister’s life.    My sister is a wonderful woman of God already but I knew this weekend was going to make her walk that much stronger. Well the last day of the weekend came and it was all I could do not to race to the church to see her. I attended church service that morning in the church were the weekend was and my sister looked refreshed and ready. She had a “glow” about her that looked all to familiar because I had the same glow when I came home from mine. These weekends are very draining emotionally but she had a relief about her that could only come from the hand of God.

The closing ceremony’s of these weekends are my favorite because this is where everyone gets a chance to stand up in front of the community and family of God and give a bit of a testimony how God changed them over the weekend. No this weekend was a womans weekend so obviously there was a lot of tears. A couple of friends and I shuffled in and found a seat. The ceremony started with some praise and offerings then the candidates made their way to the podium to speak. One after another woman were standing up retiring the “old” self and “putting on the new self in Christ Jesus“.

Then came my sister. With every step she took I knew she was taking for God. She had a bounce in her step and a freshness about her like she had vacationed in Florida(sleeping on an air mattress may have had something to do with that!). I was excited to hear how the Lord worked in her life over the past 4 days but nothing could prepare me for what she said. “I want to thank my brother for bringing me to this weekend”. With tears of joy streaming down her face out came these words that brought me to my knees and tears to my eyes, “My brother has been such an inspiration to me and the rest of the family, I love you Scott”.  Yup, right there on stage in front of 200+ people she said that “I” was an inspiration. Forever more I knew we were both changing into soldiers for Christ, brother and sister with a bond that Satan himself was no match for.

So these were my sisters words that I still hold in my heart to this day. Everyday is a day that we can inspire, encourage, support, and love people to Christ. Why? Because He first loved us! he loved us before we could ever love ourselves or anyone. He is the perfecter of peace, the author of love, the King of Kings, his name is Jesus Christ.

So, let me ask you my friend, will you let Jesus inspire you?

Wow!! Im enjoying telling my story and how God has worked in my life, but check back next time to hear about some of the people i’ve met along the way. Thanks for reading!! Be Blessed!

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.-Proverbs 11:25

To Wyoming or Bust!!

Annoyed During the first summer of my sobriety many great things had happened. If you’ve been keeping up you can see that the first six months was a whirlwind of unstoppable happenings that I needed to experience. But none quite like this one have I mentioned yet. The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are designed to help the Alcoholic recover and lead a productive life, to be short, doing the things we should have been doing all along. The 5th step: Admitted to God, ourselves, and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. This step has sent many a promising new person on a tailspin back into the dark life of alcoholism by just reading the step, as you can see why. No drunk wants to tell his life story! Just the idea of telling the “very nature of our wrongs” can send us over the edge. During or drinking days we had done some pretty horrendous things not only to ourselves, but to others also. So fessing up isn’t a dream come true, if you will.

I was the same way. I took a look at this step and almost turned around and walked out, if it wasn’t for my sponsor stopping me I would have! I was working the steps like I was told and when I got to the 5th step I was actually ready to “let it all out”, for if I didn’t I could be headed back to the bottle and that wasn’t someplace I was willing to go. Now my sponsor, an avid motorcycle enthusiast that he is had made plans to head up to the northern part of Minnesota to buy an old BMW motorcycle. I was kind of excited because I got to go on a road trip, plus I was going to do my 5th step, so I was ready.

Well, let me tell ya that trip didn’t go as planned. Well it did just sometime later and without meOpen-mouthed smile. Instead he ended up buying a motorcycle off of E-Bay, destination: Cheyenne, Wyoming! Yup we were headed across country to by a bikeSad smile. We loaded up into his truck and off we went. Little did I realize we were fixing to embark  on one of the most boring trips of my life! We had to go through Nebraska and that in itself was enough to dull the most excited person. 480 miles of absolutely nothing!! Flat lands that’s it! I-80 going through Nebraska is the route we took and I would have much rather sat in my front yard and tried to make mud pies with no mud! The good thing was that my sponsor and I bonded. We talked of times when we were drinking and not drinking. We chatted about high school crushes and the ones that got away. This was good for me because I had never bonded like this with another guy. And before we knew it we were in Wyoming.

We pull into were we were buying the bike and in moments we were loading up the bike and my sponsor was paying the man. Then in an instance he threw me the keys and said “your driving” Now mind you that I had only had my license back a few weeks and my driving was that of one still in drivers ed. I hopped in a started the truck and off we went. Getting onto the high way my sponsor looks at me and says “Well, how about that 5th step?” I thought to myself “You want me to tell my whole life story, while I’m driving your truck, with your motorcycle in the back doing 70 down the highway?” “Really!” So I took a deep breath and began to speak. Every word came flowing out as easy as water over a dam. Every dark cranny of all the dirty little things came to light and I was starting to feel released of years of turmoil right there in the middle of Nebraska! God definitely   had his hand on the steering wheel that day because there was a couple times those big trucks came a little close!

Few little times in my life have I felt the way I did that day, and a couple hours later or so I was done. There it was, my life laid bear before the only man I trusted and being exhausted I pulled into the next rest stop. Before we got out of the truck my sponsor prayed over me and told me good job. After a bathroom break    and some water we were back on the road, only this time he was driving. I rested my head on the seat and dozed off for a while reflecting over what just happened. One day I’m in a drunk tank in the county jail and the next I’m spilling my guts to someone I barley knew in the middle of Nebraska. But I felt that I had accomplished something and to me, that was all that counts.

One thing that I have learned since coming to the Lord and living the best as I possibly can for Him is He has a way of bring our “past deeds” to the light, in a loving and kind way. And sometimes it can be down right painful, but in the end its all worth it. Never before have I felt like a whole person. That’s  the wonderful thing about Jesus is he fills that “hole in the soul” and gives life a new meaning. So let me ask you my friend, Do you have a hole your soul that only Jesus can fill?

Oh what an exciting time it has been walking with the Lord, check back next time and ill tell you about the time my sister brought tears to my eyes.

Thanks for reading!! Be Blessed!

He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Psalm 37:6 

15 minutes in jail, Sober?

As I stated in y last post I will also be sharing some other events that has happened since the Lord had saved me from a near alcoholic death. Over the past 7 years there has been some amazing adventures and well, perplexing events and interesting things, to say the least. These posts are in no way chronological order like the others were. I just wanted you to understand the seriousness of alcoholism and the road it can lead you on and the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. My hope is that someone reading may wake up and say “enough is enough!”  The disease of addiction kills 156 people a day,(just an estimate, the last time I checked that was the correct number.) So now on to some fun stuff!

April of 2005 brought sunshine and wonder for this once lost and all but forgotten former drunk.  I was 5 months sober at the time and just came off a weekend retreat that blew my mind and Jesus breathed the breath of life into me big time. So as they say,”being on fire for the Lord” I was and then some. I wanted to tell everyone and that’s just what I did. It was a great feeling to be able to look this world of ours in the eye and say”I don’t play by your rules anymore!” For I had given my life to Christ and His way was my main concern now.

About the last weekend in April we had planned a big cook out and whats called a speaker meeting in AA, to kickoff the spring and bring in a great summer.  We had planned this for a month or so and I was excited because I had a chance to meet some other AA’s, or people in AA from other groups. I liked meeting new people just for the fact I was still young in sobriety and wisdom and knowledge I was welcoming from anyone. My group was hosting the event so we provided the meat and other brought a dish to pass.

 It was a fine day whether wise and people started to show up in a hurry. We cooked and ate and mingled all day then around 2 or so the speaker gave his lead.(In AA giving a lead is the same as a testimony). I remember the speaker was well dressed and looked rested and younger than what his age said. Being sober has its perks especially health wise! He gave a great lead and when he was done i went to find him for we had a story kind of similar and I wanted to gain some wisdom from this man. (Now at this point there was probably 50 or so at the meeting with a lot of people who had multiple years of sobriety, so tapping into their wisdom was a main goal of mine.)

When the speaker had finished people started leaving for it was late in the afternoon. About the same time some of the guests were leaving we heard some yelling coming from inside the house. A  couple of the members had gotten into a little “spat” and one of them called the police. “Hmm I thought, the cops are coming and I don’t have anything to worry about!” I thought to my self as I seen the first cop arrive. A short time later a second showed up, and they did their Big Investigation”. I had no worries for I had been sober for a few months and my “case” was in another state, which by being sober and God leading the way was being taken care of. So no worries for this guy, right?

The officers went to everyone their and asked for their I.D. or drivers license which was no problem because I had a state issued I.D. at the time  so I wasn’t worried. I gave them mine and struck up a conversation with a gentleman that had 28 years plus sobriety! “A well of knowledge” I thought listening to him. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and it was the first officer on the scene. “Mr. Craig, can I speak with you a moment please?” He inquired. My sponsor saw what was happening and together we followed the cop to his car.

“Mr. Craig, do you know you have an outstanding bench warrant for your arrest, its six and a half years old?” My sponsor looked at me, and I at him, then to the officer and with a calm voice “No officer I wasn’t aware of a bench warrant”. (The warrant was six and a half years old, 7 years i found out and they expire. This was from not finishing certain requirements when I got my first D.U.I) “Sir, I’m going to have to take you to jail”. He said kind of sadly because he knew I was sober, but he was only doing his job.

HA! So I went to jail at an AA meeting, sober!!! But this time was different because I was willing to go to take care of some unfinished business from the past. Fortunately, i was there about 15 minutes or so and my sponsor and his wife came and bailed me out. And by the Grace of God when I went to court, the bail money payed for the fines and it was done. Actually, it was a really good feeling taking car of a prick from the past, that just meant i didn’t have to deal with it any in the future. God is so AMAZING!!

So Ya see, there has been some perplexing events since I’ve been sober and I wouldn’t have been able to handle it the way I did if it wasn’t for Christ. Jesus that day gave me a piece beyond all understanding and I knew what I had to do. He’s a loving God and when were obedient to what He says, the outcome is usually really awesome.

The purpose of this post is to show that actually funny and crazy things happen when following the Lord, but in the end, it’s all worth it. Because about 6 months later, I became friends with the same Judge that had my case!  Coming from seeing a different judge every other week or so to being friends with one, yup that’s the hand of God right there!

Check back next time and hear about  a trip that my sponsor and I made to Wyoming. Thanks for reading!! Be Blessed!!!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. -James 1:2-3