No More Tears.

Songs of Our Fathers

Songs of Our Fathers (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

     This post goes out to all that’s lost a loved one, especially a father. As we prepare for Fathers Day weekend we enjoy spending time with our fathers and honoring him, but for those of us that don’t have a father due to an early passing, neglect, divorce, or just have never been involved in your life, please let me take the time to honor you. The heartbreak and loneliness that a fatherless child endures is beyond anything in this world. Trying to understand the big question, “Why?”” Why has daddy died or left?”, or “why is daddy passed out on the couch all the time?” or” why does he work so much?”. Any of these familiar? I know for me my biggest question was “Why did daddy have to die?” 

       I have wrote about this before, when dad passed away when I was younger, but this time I want to take the time to thank all of you around the world who have made the choice, no matter what to succeed in the eyes of our heavenly father and lay your burdens at his feet. I have forgiven my father for passing at a young age, and I realize today it was because God loved me that this happened. Though I went to hell and back for about 10 years, living a life of self-destruction and  failure, I have now been sober and living in grace for almost 8 years, and today I truly believe that my earthly father is proud of me.

    I understand the hurt and pain that come along with losing a daddy, but I am here to tell you that you have a heavenly father that loves you more than you could ever understand. He has a love that goes deeper than the ocean and he not only loves us, but disciplines us as well. He carries us, walks with us, and talks with us on a cool morning with sun coming alive. He searches for us through the darkness and debris of this life until we come face to face with His omnipotent presence and says, “let me love you.” God loves us so much, he gave his one and only son to die on the cross for us, and that my friend is the greatest love known.

   He is the author of love and and His majestic presence in our lives is something we truly don’t deserve, so my friends, no more tears. No more tears on a lonely night thinking about “What if?” Or “Would life be different if daddy was around?” No more tears when were around our friends and their dad is a shining star of what a father is to be. No more tears, because this is were the healing begins, in the hands of Christ.  Its true that a fathers love for the son is like none other, and God, our heavenly father has a love for us that’s perfect.

    So my question is, “Will you let Him heal the hurt?” So you can say no more tears on a lonely night? Thanks for reading!!!! Be Blessed!!!!!

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