Inside Out

128       Today I want to love you from the inside out. Today I will love you from the inside out and shout to the world my undying love for Christ.

Today Christ is my all in all and is my everything. I can do nothing without Him, nor do I want to try. This is my prayer as the day goes on and activities seem to be distracting, I still want to love you from the inside out. From the inside out is were I will show my love for you Oh Lord, because the outside has nothing for me.

    This is how we are to live as Christians with love from the inside out, everlasting love for Christ and other people. If this is how we are to live, my question is why do so many Christians not live this way? If we are to honor God, show love, and give love, why do we fail? I have seen many Christians that I know, well they say they are anyways at church, but out in public, they act like you don’t even exist. I have been ran away from by other “Christians” for no apparent reason and I will continue to pray for them.

    The thing is its sometimes unsettling because it makes me feel less than I know I really am. I to am a new creation with the fundamentals and beliefs of other Christians, but I missed the memo that you also have to be apart of the “cool kids club” even at church to fit in. Yes this is true even at church, if you don’t look the part you don’t get noticed. The most important thing I have ever learned is we don’t go to church for other people, we go to church for God, period. We go to hear what He has to say to us and bring our requests to Him who loves us dearly, and the fellowship with other people is an added bonus. I mean don’t get me wrong, I love seeing my friends at church, but their not the reason I’m there.

   This is were I have learned to love Christ from the inside out, and everything else is just an added bonus. When I love Christ from the inside out, I am able to do more and be of more service to Him and other people. When I love Him from the inside out I can love other people and do what He has called me to do. When I am more concerned with the petty things of the world, or if I go to church just to “hang out,” I have failed God and myself because I put Him at the bottom of the list. Today I choose to love Him and obey Him with all that I have, from the inside out..

   Thanks for reading!!! Be Blessed!!!!



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8 thoughts on “Inside Out

  1. I love the part where you say we go to church for God period… This is so VERY true we are there to worship him and thank him 🙂

  2. There is a woman who worships with me on Sundays and if we sing a contemporary Christian song, I think that SHE thinks we’re all going to hell. She fumes so much the rest of the service because she can’t wait to tell the Music Director off. I can see it from the choir loft. She misses the wonderful message and a chance to worship in a new way. She forgets why she’s there. It’s not about the music or even about the sermon. I want to remember that always. Sandy

  3. Yes Scott, the most important reason we go to Church is God .We meet Him in a special way at Church, we can worship and give our praise and offerings of ourselves and tithes, then it matters not who is there.


  4. Hi Scott a very good message, Church is about Jesus, He is the Head of The Body and there is clear direction in Scripture on how we as His Body are to worship and care for each other, to mature and increase in knowledge and how to have God’s wisdom and grow Spiritually as we increase in insight.

    One thing is we are to consider others better then ourselves, I will leave a link that gives more light on this Truth, another is the music we sing and as you can see in the Scripture below we are to have a balance and just as you said it must come from the heart what ever we do. The early Church met in their homes everyday and after they broke bread and worshiped they went to the Temple to hear the Scriptures being read.

    Blog Post –

    Ephesians 5:18-20 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

    Colossians 3:15-17And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne

  5. Hi Scott thanks for your kind words, most of our holiday was just great but I could not connect to the Internet and Blog or create P.P as I had planned as we were in a black spot so the reception was bad but I could Blog close to the beach, so when Ron walked the dogs I Blogged a little but most of our time we enjoyed our board games and just sharing, then sadly Missy one of our dogs died and so we came home early.

    It is good to connect with you again Scott, take care

    Christian Love from us both – Anne

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