New Stuff!!!!

These are Rocky Mountain Horses, which apparen...

These are Rocky Mountain Horses, which apparently have a different gait than normal ones. I really couldn't tell, since this was my first time horseback riding. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hello all! OK so I have done some redecorating to my blog. I added two very special awards that I received from two special people, Ann and Ron. They nominated me for more awards and hopefully I’ll have them up in a couple weeks. One is the Candlelight Award and the other is the Genuine Blogger award and i accept them humbly and very thankfully. Anne and Ron have been very supportive of my blog since the beginning and I just want to say thank you Anne and Ron!

This brings me to the second thing i have added which is in my blog roll. There you will find a new link called Ranch of Hope. The Ranch of Hope is a new ministry my church has started designed to teach children the love of Christ, and horseback riding. We will be posting at least one to two times a week and I say we because theres 3 of us in charge of the blog. They asked me because I have just a little bit of experience in blogging, and they kinda like it!

I have also added another link called TAYA, which stands for teens and young adults. This is another great ministry started by a wonderful couple at my church. The purpose: To support and teach teens and young adults the very truth of Christ, dealing with some hot topics that teens and young adults face today like sex, homosexuality, dating ect. So check it out and see whats going on!

I have been so richly blessed blogging over the past few months and hopefully, you guys have enjoyed it also. I’ll be back tomorrow with a new post!!!

Thanks for reading!!! be Blessed!!!!

Kreativ Blogger Award


Thank you Eric Alagan for nominating me for The Kreativ Blogger Award. Im very humbled and honored and what a way to start 2012!

So, as the rules go:

Share 10 things about me that no one knows (blogging community). Really!! OK here it goes:

  1. When I have a day off from work, I don’t shower.
  2. I like to go for walks to think.
  3. I love the water.
  4. I love ice cream.
  5. Burritos give me heartburn, but I still indulge.
  6. I’m 35 years old and single, with no kids. (Hint,Hint!)
  7. I have a endless need to people watch.
  8. I graduated high school by means of night school and regular school,
  9. I don’t like Bee’s
  10. I drive to fast in the snow.

Well that wasn’t so bad! Just a little side note, all of this is true!

And my nominees for The Kreativ Blogger Award:

  1. FreedomBorn 
  2. RelyingDailyOnJesus
  3. BlueEyesForChrist
  4. MusingsinMontage
  5. StuffthatsRelevant
  6. TheOceanFloor

2012 is going to be an amazing year and I look forward to reading and meeting new bloggers this year! happy Blogging!!