Through the Ages.

The Campaign Against Political Correctness logo

The Campaign Against Political Correctness logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

      All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

I absolutely love this, and Paul wasn’t joking one bit when he said “All Scripture,” and the key word is “ALL.” What does this mean? All of it, the bible is God-breathed and is useful even to this day. The other day I was reading about someone who was trying to say the bible didn’t apply to today’s society.   Really, if there was ever a time that this world and culture of ours needs scripture, needs God, the time is now.

The bible has been tested through the ages and time and time again its been proven correct. People have tried to prove it wrong, but in the end the bible always wins out. It has been falsely accused and banned in some country’s and still its the most sought out book in history. It always prevails and it always trumps anything humanity could come up with on the way we are supposed to live.

I have found that people don’t want to accept the truths of scripture because they don’t want to admit they need help. They don’t want to admit that the way their living is wrong and then scream the bible and the church are wrong. I see it all the time, people need the hand of God in their lives, but refuse anything He has to offer, because they “know better.” I was talking to a guy the other day and he was trying to tell me that living an adulterers life was OK, that “everyone does it.” Really? Well I’m here to tell yo that not everyone does it that’s for sure.

Scripture was given to us by God so we can learn about His awesomeness and His love for us. It teaches us how to get along with God, and with other people. It is the foundation for life and the undisputed word of God. The biggest problem with society today is “Political Correctness,” saying things that make people feel good. Well I’m not a politician so I refuse to be political correct. Last night I  was having coffee with a friend whose a teacher for second and third graders, and she was telling me that they can’t tell the students they got an “F” because it hurts the students feelings! This is why young people don’t stand a chance these days because their feelings get hurt if they get a bad grade.

When I was growing up we had to work for our grades, and if we didn’t work for our grades then we failed, end of story. This society we live in is so worried about hurting people’s feelings that just saying “Hi” to someone could get us locked up. Let me fill you in on a little secret, if your feelings get hurt by something I said, good!! Take it up with God because that’s were the problem lye’s, not being right with Him, and the majority of society isn’t right with Him, so there little feelings will get hurt.

Scripture is the only thing, the only way to truly know God. Its meant for loving us and teaching us and rebuking us, and this is exactly what this society of ours needs today.

Thanks for reading!! be blessed!!!!